PETA is not a map?
How long has it been since I wrote anything that does not resemble an essay or a crap piece that is masquerading as an essay? Ages. Ages that sometimes it feels like its been caveman years sice my last piece. Writing with blood and a stick in my animal skin clothing.
I tell you, PETA won't be happy living in those caveman years. Not that I will be of course. Though living during that time, gives me a reason for my mess of a hair.
Wht am i talking about PETA?
My parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary recently. Yes, a happilicious celebration indeed. Lots of food, lots of dessert and lots of happiness radiating. Yes, from me too. Should see me with chocolate fondue. Its like an orgasm in itself.
whcih of course set me thinking when i see those 2 lovebirds. Will i ever be as happy as that or even happier? Go jogging together? dating together even when its been 25 years. Will i love him more than ever?
For now I only know one thing. I'm happy with what I got.
I tell you, PETA won't be happy living in those caveman years. Not that I will be of course. Though living during that time, gives me a reason for my mess of a hair.
Wht am i talking about PETA?
My parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary recently. Yes, a happilicious celebration indeed. Lots of food, lots of dessert and lots of happiness radiating. Yes, from me too. Should see me with chocolate fondue. Its like an orgasm in itself.
whcih of course set me thinking when i see those 2 lovebirds. Will i ever be as happy as that or even happier? Go jogging together? dating together even when its been 25 years. Will i love him more than ever?
For now I only know one thing. I'm happy with what I got.